
Veterinary Jobs

Join our veterinary team! The team at Orange County Animal Clinic is committed to providing the best pet care possible.

Veterinary Careers

Our team at OCAC is made up of multiple different roles.

Our front desk is managed by our friendly and helpful client care specialists. When you enter the clinic they will do their best to make you feel welcomed and take care of whatever business you need; from checking in the appointments, checking out for medications to managing the phones and schedules they do it all.

As you continue with your pets appointment, medical or surgical, your pet will be cared for by both our knowledgeable veterinary technicians and vet assistants under the supervision of our talented veterinarians. They are all more than happy to take the time to review routine procedures and medications along with answering any additional questions you have.

All of our staff strive to provide the best care for both your pet and yourself.

If you feel you have the desire to potentially explore any of these roles of employment please email your resume and references to

Job Shadow:
We do accept job shadows via scheduling only for any persons over the age of 15. To schedule a day and time for job shadowing please email

We do accept both Highschool and College intern/externships as we are able to accommodate. We are only able to take on 2 intern/externs at a time and these positions will be on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to inquire about setting up an internship please email